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National Collaboration on Employment and Disability

The National Collaboration on Employment and Disability are working towards genuine and lasting reform so young people with disability can successfully transition from education into secure and meaningful employment.

This includes:

Access to opportunities and real experiences of work.

Inclusive education and training pathways.

Flexible income support to enable smooth transitions between education and work.

Human rights and inclusion so that young people with a disability can access opportunities and pathways that other young people do.

The National Collaboration on Employment and Disability (NCED) was established by the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) in 2023 in response to BSL’s vision to deliver a more inclusive and equitable society in Australia and give everyone the opportunity to thrive.

The NCED grew out of research that showed:

In Australia, young people with a disability are more likely to drop out of school early, be excluded from the labour force, have fewer educational qualifications, experience poverty and be socially isolated.

Participation in work experience and employment during secondary school are among the most significant indicators of post-school success for young people with disability.

Young people with disabilities who exit school with a job are more likely to maintain a positive career trajectory than those who do not.

Most workers with disabilities not only do their jobs just as well as those without disability, but they are also often more reliable and take fewer sick days.

It has been shown that students that are participating in a school-based traineeship are 50% more likely to complete schooling and also 400% more likely to be engaged in open employment after school.

IDEAL Placements is the lead agency for this initiative in Mackay, Sarina, Proserpine, Cannonvale, and Bowen. The NCED takes a partnership approach to improve the employment and education outcomes of young students with a disability and brings together a range of local partners such as:

Traineeship/Apprenticeship Providers

Central University/TAFE QLD

National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO)

Mackay District Special School

Department of Catholic Education

Education Department Qld

These organisations bring their various skills and expertise together to collectively address youth disability employment and transition issues in their local community.

If you require any further information regarding The National Collaboration on Employment and Disability and school-based traineeships:

Facilitating school-based traineeships for young students with disabilities through a Ticket to Work partnership approach at Ideal Placements

Registered Charity Logo at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services

BSI ISO 9001 Quality Management System at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services
BSI HSQF Logo at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services
JAS-ANZ Logo at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services

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