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Workforce Australia Employment Services Logo at Ideal Placements

Workforce Australia - Career
Transition Assistance

Career Transition Assistance is for participants aged 45 and over

IDEAL Placements CTA Facilitators help you build skills and confidence to become more competitive in the local labour market by helping you get ready for work by:

Finding out what skills you already have and how they would transfer to a new job.

Targeting your job search.

Tailoring your job applications.

Empowering participants aged 45 and over through Career Transition Assistance at Ideal Placements

What you will learn

Our experienced CTA Facilitator will help you:

Improve your job search skills.

Find out how to transfer your existing skills to a new job or industry.

Set career goals and set you on a path to reach them.

The CTA course will also help you improve your digital literacy skills to be more confidence when:

Applying for jobs onlines.

Using various types of technology such as computers, tablets and mobile phones found in workplaces.


To join our CTA course, you must:

Be aged 45 years or over

Have a myGov account or

Be registered with a Workforce Australia provider or an eligible employment services such as:

  • Workforce Australia Online
  • Workforce Australia Services
  • Disability Employment Services

Want more information?

Important Information

IDEAL Placements offers a bespoke self-paced online course as well as a supportive face-to-face course.

CTA courses are free.

A CTA course duration is 75 hours over a period of up to 8 weeks depending on the size of the course.

While participating in CTA, you will earn points towards meeting your PBAS.

15 Points per week

Plus 30 bonus points, this applies once for the next activity for Workforce Australia Online participants only.

A CTA Facilitator will deliver the course and provide you with one on one support.


Ticket to Work Logo at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services
Registered Charity Logo at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services

BSI ISO 9001 Quality Management System at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services
BSI HSQF Logo at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services
JAS-ANZ Logo at Ideal Placements Disability Employment Services
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